To make a booking at Villa Teana is quite simple, please complete form details below and one of our reservation officer will get back to you shortly with a preliminary booking information. Please note that this is an enquiry only form. Your reservation will be confirmed after you are agreed with all the terms and a deposit/full payment has been paid. At this moment no credit card details or payment is required.

    Select Villa

    Check-In Date (required)

    Check-Out Date (required)

    Subject of Enquiry

    Full Name (required)

    Phone or Mobile (required incl. country & area code)

    E-mail (required)


    Questions or Special Requests

    How did you find us ?

    Please Note: We take serious concern to the spam activities and this form has been protected by spam filters. If you have difficulties submit this form please send us an email or WhatsApp +62 811-3885-0777. Thank you!

    Have a Question?

    Let us help you...
    You may contact our reservation
    Monday - Friday from
    9:00 AM to 5:00 PM UTC +8 or
    Saturday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM UTC +8
    Whatsapp call/chat +62 81 2388 9527
    Alternatively send us a message
    and we will get back to you
    as soon as possible.